B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas write the sentences which is compare each other. please help me​

write the sentences which is compare each other. please help me​

Salma is tall, but Firman is taller than Salma. Lia is very tall. She is the tallest of the three.

Salma plays better than Lia. Firman Plays very well. He is the best guitarist at school.

Salma is clever. She is cleverer than Firman. Lia is very clever. She is the cleverest student in class.

Salma's collection of money is not very good. Firman's is better. Lia's collection the best.


kalimat yang di cetak tebal menunjukkan perbandingan

tall= tinggi

taller= lebih tinggi

tallest= paling tinggi

well= baik

better= lebih baik

best= terbaik

clever= pintar

cleverer= lebih pintar

cleverest= paling pintar / terpintar

is not very good= tidak cukup baik

better= lebih baik

best= terbaik

semoga bermanfaat ^^